Demystifying the science of reading #3: How exactly do we learn how to read?

We know that learning to speak and learning to read are not the same in the brain. Learning to speak is innate, while learning to read is not. Reading must be systematically, explicitly taught to bridge the connection between oral language development and reading proficiency. In this installment of our Teacher Tip Tuesday series: Demystifying the Science of Reading, we’ll discuss how decades of reading science research describes the act of learning to read. We’ll also discuss why even the most successful teachers can benefit from science of reading research and research-informed practices.

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Demystifying the science of reading #2: Learning to read is not an innate process

Why do some students develop as readers more easily than others? Why do most developing readers need more than being immersed in a language-rich environment? The answers lie in the brain and have major implications for teaching reading. In this installment of Teacher Tip Tuesday: Demystifying The Science of Reading, we’ll talk about the research behind how exactly we learn to read.

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Demystifying the science of reading #1: What it is, and what it isn’t

science of reading

You’ve probably heard the phrase “the science of reading” being tossed around lately. Your district or school may be taking initiatives to align to the science of reading, and may even be changing your curricula after years or even decades. Why all the hullabaloo? Let’s talk about what the science of reading really is, what it isn’t, and why it matters.

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Caregiver and Community Engagement #6

By Carissa Lellos

Throughout this series, we’ve talked about ways to build relationships with caregivers by communicating intentionally and effectively, but there’s another way to build relationships with caregivers: invite them into your classroom. By involving caregivers in the classroom and school community, you can create a vibrant and inclusive learning environment that enriches the educational experience for students. It may even lighten your load! Read on for fun ways to invite caregivers into your classroom.

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Caregiver and Community Engagement #5

By Carissa Lellos

So far in this series, we’ve discussed how important it is to communicate with caregivers. Having a healthy relationship with caregivers can help create a supportive learning environment and foster a positive connection between home and school. This week we’ll take a look at the full spectrum of caregiver involvement, from under- to over-involved, and talk strategies for finding a happy middle ground to ensure student success.

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Caregiver and Community Engagement #4

By Carissa Lellos

We’ve all had to face conversations we wish we could avoid. It can be daunting, but the instinct to recoil from these conversations does more harm than good in the long run. No matter what age group you teach, there will be times when you need to have uncomfortable conversations with caregivers about their child’s behavior or academic performance. These conversations can be challenging, but working through them together can strengthen the relationship you have with your students’ caregivers and make a huge difference for your students going forward. Read on for tips to navigate uncomfortable conversations with caregivers.

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Caregiver and Community Engagement #3

By Carissa Lellos

Last week, we talked about using digital communication tools to build relationships with caregivers. This week we’ll expand into “old school” methods of communication. You’ll be surprised – you are communicating with caregivers without even knowing it! Read on to learn more about harnessing all of the communication tools in your toolbox to be an effective communicator with your students’ caregivers.

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Caregiver and Community Engagement #2

By Carissa Lellos

Building strong relationships with caregivers is essential for the success of your students. However, with so many responsibilities for teachers to juggle, it can be challenging to find the time to communicate effectively with caregivers. It takes some work upfront, but finding the balance between digital and analog communication methods that work for you and your schedule will make a big difference in the long run. This week, we’ll do a deep dive on digital caregiver communication with tips, links, and templates for you to use in your communication with caregivers. 

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