Meet Beatriz, a multilingual student in San Mateo-Foster City School District (SMFCSD). She and her family immigrated to California from Brazil in February 2023. She enjoys science and loves to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider with her mom. Beatriz started school with limited English language skills. Within only 30 days, she was functioning successfully in her English-only classroom. How?
There is a literacy gap that exists before children even start kindergarten, and it’s a serious problem for educators. A collective impact model is the solution.
Teaching, like many other jobs, relies entirely on the relationships you build. Unlike other jobs, there is regular changeover, and it’s not just your success that depends on your ability to connect. One of the hardest lessons I learned during my years as a teacher was the importance of building mutually beneficial relationships with my students’ caregivers. I was trained during my graduate studies to embrace caregivers and community members and to include them in the goings on of my classroom, but was initially resistant. I worried that by inviting them in, all I was doing was providing fodder for criticism. It took work to put my pride aside and put my students’ needs ahead of my own insecurities. Doing so made all the difference. It was not easy work, and amid the thousands of other plates teachers are expected to keep spinning, it may seem like a luxury instead of a must-have. In this article, we will dissect the importance of building healthy caregiver-teacher relationships and becoming the Dream Team. In the rest of this series, we will provide concrete tips and resources for taking this important step.
Bridging the gap between traditional and digital learning, mobile technology emerges as a key player in enhancing educational experiences and nurturing stronger connections between caregivers and children in today's fast-paced world.
The integration of mobile technology in education marks a significant shift in the learning landscape. Far beyond a mere trend, it’s a transformation that bridges the gap between traditional classroom settings and the dynamic world of digital learning. These advancements have opened doors to interactive and accessible education, facilitating unique learning experiences that extend beyond the confines of school walls. For caregivers and educators alike, this means a world of opportunities to engage and inspire young minds, offering a platform for continuous learning and exploration.
Throughout this series, we’ve talked about ways to build relationships with caregivers by communicating intentionally and effectively, but there’s another way to build relationships with caregivers: invite them into your classroom. By involving caregivers in the classroom and school community, you can create a vibrant and inclusive learning environment that enriches the educational experience for students. It may even lighten your load! Read on for fun ways to invite caregivers into your classroom.
So far in this series, we’ve discussed how important it is to communicate with caregivers. Having a healthy relationship with caregivers can help create a supportive learning environment and foster a positive connection between home and school. This week we’ll take a look at the full spectrum of caregiver involvement, from under- to over-involved, and talk strategies for finding a happy middle ground to ensure student success.
We’ve all had to face conversations we wish we could avoid. It can be daunting, but the instinct to recoil from these conversations does more harm than good in the long run. No matter what age group you teach, there will be times when you need to have uncomfortable conversations with caregivers about their child’s behavior or academic performance. These conversations can be challenging, but working through them together can strengthen the relationship you have with your students’ caregivers and make a huge difference for your students going forward. Read on for tips to navigate uncomfortable conversations with caregivers.
Last week, we talked about using digital communication tools to build relationships with caregivers. This week we’ll expand into “old school” methods of communication. You’ll be surprised – you are communicating with caregivers without even knowing it! Read on to learn more about harnessing all of the communication tools in your toolbox to be an effective communicator with your students’ caregivers.
Building strong relationships with caregivers is essential for the success of your students. However, with so many responsibilities for teachers to juggle, it can be challenging to find the time to communicate effectively with caregivers. It takes some work upfront, but finding the balance between digital and analog communication methods that work for you and your schedule will make a big difference in the long run. This week, we’ll do a deep dive on digital communicationwith tips, links, and templates for you to use in your communication with caregivers.