Okeechobee County School District has created the Okee Reads initiative as part of a promise to the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Students in partnership with ...
In just eight months, Conner says Middletown’s children have mastered a combined 10.8 million words and is excited to see the results when school opens today.
Superintendent Fillpot launches his School Readiness Early Literacy Initiative in Newman-Crows Landing District today. In partnership with Footsteps2Brilliance, NCLUSD is using the ...
EVERY child in Greenville has FREE access to the Clever Kids University™ and Foosteps2Brilliance ™ mobile literacy apps that will help them prepare for success in school. These apps ...
We are honored to be a partner with San Bernardino County, and delighted that our work together with Superintendent Ted Alejandre is helping so many young students during this COVID crisis. Early ...
Big problems require big solutions. So when Covington, Ky. – a diverse city of 41,000 people located in Cincinnati’s shadow – realized it needed to better prepare its children to hit the ground ...
EVERY child in Greenville has FREE access to the Clever Kids University™ and Foosteps2Brilliance ™ mobile literacy apps that will help them prepare for success in school. These apps ...
Manatee County School Superintendent, Dr. Diana Greene and staff bring reading to all Title One pre-K students and their families 24 hours and day, 7 days a week.