Starting the Year Off Right: Using Data to Drive Instruction

By Dennis Muizers

The excitement of a new school year is in the air! Students and teachers alike are preparing for a great year. As leaders, we sometimes fail to nourish our educators in this time of optimism and high hopes. The wonderful possibilities that come with the start of each new school year give us the opportunity to ensure that this year truly will be different. One crucial way to do this is helping educators use data to drive instruction.

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The Reading Recipe for Success: Plan, Do, Check, Act

By Eugene Narciso, COO Footsteps2Brilliance

Meet Beatriz, a multilingual student in San Mateo-Foster City School District (SMFCSD). She and her family immigrated to California from Brazil in February 2023. She enjoys science and loves to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider with her mom.  Beatriz started school with limited English language skills.  Within only 30 days, she was functioning successfully in her English-only classroom. How?

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