The Footsteps2Brilliance elves have been busy working on an update with eight new games and a few new features to enjoy over your holiday break!

Games to Practice Letter Writing
Early learners can practice tracing each capital and lowercase letter in the Better Big Letters and Better Little Letters Games. In addition to preparing children to write, forming letters provides a powerful multisensory approach for teaching letter recognition.
A Fun Game for Multiple Meaning Words
Multiple meaning words represent a big step in vocabulary development. Our new Double Up game prepares students to conquer multiple meaning words on standardized tests—and to have fun along the way!

Games to Develop Language Skills
Rounding out our collection of grammar and language games, we have also added Pronoun Popper, Plural Planets, and Verb Popper. These fun games develop students’ command of the conventions of language to improve speaking, comprehending, and writing in both English and Spanish.
Games for Vocabulary Development
The new Criss-Cross Compare and Swimming Synonyms games support vocabulary development, while also delighting and challenging students with fun illustrations that teach shades of meaning.

Finally, this update features a new karaoke recording button on each page of the ALPS books and Spanish Lexile® levels for all books that include readability measures. As always, you will also find game enhancements and other fixes based on feedback from teachers and parents across the country. We hope you enjoy them. Happy Learning this Holiday!
aprenden mucho mis hijos,