It’s Raining It’s Pouring

April showers bring May flowers! How often will it shower this week? For this week's Family Friday you will test out your skills as a meteorologist (weather scientist)! After singing the nursery rhyme It’s Raining, It’s Pouring, you and your child can observe and record the weather with this nature-centered interactive activity. Have fun!

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Llueve que llueve

¡Las lluvias de abril traen las flores de mayo! ¿Cuántas lluvias caerán esta semana? ¡Este Viernes en familia pondrás a prueba tus habilidades como meteorólogo (científico del clima)! Después de cantar la canción infantil Llueve que llueve, usted y su niño podrán observar y registrar el clima con esta actividad interactiva centrada en la naturaleza. ¡Diviértanse!

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Caregiver and Community Engagement #3

By Carissa Lellos

Last week, we talked about using digital communication tools to build relationships with caregivers. This week we’ll expand into “old school” methods of communication. You’ll be surprised – you are communicating with caregivers without even knowing it! Read on to learn more about harnessing all of the communication tools in your toolbox to be an effective communicator with your students’ caregivers.

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Topper’s Toy Store

This week’s Family Friday is an activity that will get you movin’ and grovin’.  After reading Topper’s Toy Store you and your child can make a set of dice with the different toys and play a movement game.

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La juguetería de Topper

¡Este Viernes en familia es una actividad que los tendrá bailando! Después de leer La juguetería de Topper, usted y su hijo podrán crear dados de juguetes para jugar un juego de movimiento.

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Caregiver and Community Engagement #2

By Carissa Lellos

Building strong relationships with caregivers is essential for the success of your students. However, with so many responsibilities for teachers to juggle, it can be challenging to find the time to communicate effectively with caregivers. It takes some work upfront, but finding the balance between digital and analog communication methods that work for you and your schedule will make a big difference in the long run. This week, we’ll do a deep dive on digital communication with tips, links, and templates for you to use in your communication with caregivers. 

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Homophones A-J

For this week’s Family Friday, your child will put their brain power to the test with a jigsaw puzzle about homophones (words that sound the same, but have different meanings!) Children will be further familiarized with these homophones through this hands-on jigsaw puzzle. Read our step-by-step guide on how you can set up this interactive literacy activity with your child at home!

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Homófonos A-J

Este Viernes en familia, su hijo pondrá a prueba su fuerza intelectual con un rompecabezas sobre homófonos (palabras que suenan igual, ¡pero tienen significados diferentes!) Los niños se familiarizarán aún más con estos homófonos a través de este rompecabezas interactivo. ¡Lea nuestra guía paso a paso para realizar esta actividad con su hijo en casa!

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The Alphabet Song

This week’s Family Friday is a hands-on adventure. Explore your home find the every day objects that begin with your favorite letters to create an alphabet gallery. Have fun with this interactive alphabet activity!

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La canción del alfabeto

Este Viernes en familia es una aventura interactiva. Explore su casa y busque objetos cotidianos que empiezan con su letra favorita para crear una galería del alfabeto. ¡Diviértanse!

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