Nurturing Bilingual Minds: Unveiling Insights from the Science of Reading

In a recent webinar conducted by Kathy Maximov, Chief Academic Officer of Footsteps2Brilliance, educators and administrators gathered to explore the intersection of the science of reading and the needs of multilingual learners. The session kicked off with a poll gauging participants’ attitudes towards the science of reading for multilingual learners, revealing a mix of perspectives. This blog will delve into the key takeaways from the discussion, focusing on three essential questions: 

  1. What is the science of reading? 
  2. How does it apply to multilingual learners? 
  3. And does the bilingual brain necessitate a unique approach?
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The Scientific Method

This week’s Family Friday will deepen your student’s understanding of the scientific method. Read our step-by-step guide on how to use the scientific method to test how plants absorb water in this interactive activity!

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El método científico

Para este Viernes en familia, estará aprendiendo más sobre el método científico. Lea nuestra guía paso a paso para ver cómo se usa el método científico para examinar cómo las plantas absorben agua.

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Demystifying the science of reading #2: Learning to read is not an innate process

Why do some students develop as readers more easily than others? Why do most developing readers need more than being immersed in a language-rich environment? The answers lie in the brain and have major implications for teaching reading. In this installment of Teacher Tip Tuesday: Demystifying The Science of Reading, we’ll talk about the research behind how exactly we learn to read.

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Rhyming with Ants, Bats, and Cats

For this week’s Family Friday, enjoy an interactive rhyming card game that can be played with multiple children. Have fun practicing animal names and building rhyming skills using Footsteps2Brilliance Animal Riddles and Rhymes books. Read our step-by-step guide on how you can play this interactive card game with your children at home!


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Demystifying the science of reading #1: What it is, and what it isn’t

science of reading

You’ve probably heard the phrase “the science of reading” being tossed around lately. Your district or school may be taking initiatives to align to the science of reading, and may even be changing your curricula after years or even decades. Why all the hullabaloo? Let’s talk about what the science of reading really is, what it isn’t, and why it matters.

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Stress-Free Classroom Management: Integrating Technology into Classroom Management

classroom management

In recent years, educational technology has revolutionized the classroom experience for students and teachers alike. There are many benefits to integrating technology into your classroom; one major thing technology can help with is streamlining your administrative tasks and reducing the stress involved with classroom management. From behavior tracking apps to comprehensive classroom management software, tech-based solutions can transform your teaching experience. Let’s explore some invaluable tools that can revolutionize your classroom management strategy and save you time and trouble.

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Stress-Free Classroom Management: Building Student-Teacher Relationships

Strong classroom management is built on strong student-teacher relationships. Without the foundation of this strong relationship, classroom management can become stressful and the success of your routines and procedures can become less dependable. This week, we’ll focus on strengthening the bond between you and your students to augment classroom management and help your students achieve the best learning outcomes. Here are 7 surefire ways to promote mutual understanding, respect, and care between you and your students. 

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Building Spanish Phonics Skills for Biliteracy

We are excited to announce 27 new books and 161 new games organized into 41 new lessons designed to support Spanish phonics curriculum!

The brand new Fonética: silabas y palabras and Mis libritos fonéticos in Footsteps2Brilliance Central™ offer highly-effective practice for vocales, consonantes, sílabas directas – CV, and sílabas trabadas – CCV. All of the phonics games are automatically scored so that teachers can easily monitor student’s Spanish phonics proficiency.

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