Teacher Tip Tuesday: English Learner Series Tip #5

Language learning, like many things, is easiest when you start with what you know. English Learners bring a rich understanding of their home language to your classroom. Read on for strategies and resources for using the valuable knowledge students already have to facilitate English language acquisition.

How to leverage English Learners' home language for effective instruction

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Jimmy the Jellyfish

For this week’s Family Friday you will make some beautiful ocean friends, the jellyfish! Read our step-by-step guide on how to create your very own jellyfish decorations. Have fun with this ocean-themed craft!

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Jimmy La Medusa

¡Para este Viernes en Familia, harás algunos hermosos amigos del océano, las medusas! Lea nuestra sobre cómo crear sus propias decoraciones de medusas. ¡Que te diviertas!

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Teacher Tip Tuesday: English Learner Series Tip #4

Fostering a love of writing is a great way to help your English Learners express themselves! In this week’s Teacher Tip Tuesday, we talk about ways to scaffold writing to make it accessible to all students. We use a social-emotional learning (SEL) connection to encourage self-expression. You can incorporate these strategies into any writing unit to make writing less daunting and more fun! Read through the example lesson below and extend your learning about teaching writing at the end of the post. 

How to encourage English Learners to be excellent writers

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Sorting Zoo Animals

For this week’s Family Friday, we will play a science sorting game. Children will read about zoo animals in the book Wishes and then have fun sorting the animals by where they live or spend most of their time – in the sky, on the land, or in the water. Read our step-by-step guide on how you can play this interactive habitats activity with your child at home!

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Clasificando a los animales del zoológico

Para este Viernes en familia haremos un juego de ciencia. Los niños leerán sobre los animales del zoológico en el libro Deseos y luego se divertirán clasificando los animales según dónde viven o pasan la mayoría del tiempo: en el cielo, en la tierra o en el agua.

¡Lea nuestra guía paso a paso sobre cómo puede jugar esta actividad interactiva con su hijo en casa!

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Teacher Tip Tuesday: English Learner Series Tip #3

If you’ve ever tried to learn another language, you may agree that speaking can be the scariest part. Expressing your thoughts out loud while learning a new language is daunting, especially for our students. It’s natural for English Learners to experience these feelings. It’s important to foster an environment where students feel safe speaking, even if they make mistakes, and that these mistakes will help them grow. This will empower them to use oral language and will accelerate literacy acquisition. 

In today’s tip, learn how to give students the tools they need to practice oral language with Footsteps2Brilliance.

How to empower English Learners to use
oral language

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Letter Shopping At Home!

For this week’s Family Friday, we have a fun and easy activity that will help your children practice their letter names and sounds! Read one of our stories in the Mega Mouth Decoders book series in Footsteps2Brilliance, such as Betsy the Bumblebee. Children will match appropriate letter names and sounds by “shopping” around the house. Read our step-by-step guide on how you can play this interactive literacy activity with your child at home!

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¡Comprando letras en casa!

Para este Viernes en familia, tenemos una actividad fácil y divertida que le ayudará a sus hijos a practicar los nombres y sonidos de las letras! Lea una de nuestras historias en la serie: Mega Mouth Decoders de Footsteps2Brilliance, como Betsy the Bumblebee. Los niños relacionarán los nombres de las letras y los sonidos apropiados al “hacer compras” por la casa. ¡Lea nuestra guía paso a paso sobre cómo puede jugar esta actividad interactiva con su hijo en casa! 

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