En el Viernes en Familia de esta semana, conseguirás hacer nuestra planeta de papel maché. Después de leer sobre El Planeta Tierra y el Cielo A-E, ¡se ensuciará un poco con este divertido proyecto!
In this week's Family Friday, you will make a paper mache earth. After reading about the earth in our Earth and Sky A-E, you will get a little messy with this fun arts and crafts project!
The COVID pandemic is affecting how we educate our students. Remote instruction has not only become necessary, it’s requiring schools to meet new standards that often tie directly to funding. The fact is that online learning has created new challenges for our general population of students and creates even more challenges for our most vulnerable students.
This week's Family Friday is fun for all ages. After reading Ellie the Elephant in our Alphabet Animals series, you will make your very own elephant ring toss! Read our step-by-step guide on creating this interactive ring toss game at home. Have fun!
This week's Family Friday will deepen your child's understanding of the engineering design process and includes a step-by-step guide for creating your own paper helicopter with everyday supplies. In our Physical Science and Engineering series, your child will be introduced to important science concepts. Read The Engineering Design Process and complete our step-by-step guide to creating and flying your own helicopters. Have fun!
For this week's Family Friday, we will do a sorting game. In Get Out the Clothes, children will learn all about the seasons and what clothes you should wear each season. Children will then practice their sorting skills by placing the correct clothes and activities with the appropriate season. Read our step-by-step guide on how you can play this interactive seasons activity with your child at home!
For this week's Family Friday, we will be practicing our counting skills with Lucy the Ladybug! Read about Lucy's time at the farm through our Alphabet Animals series. Your children will create their own Lucy the Ladybug and practice counting while putting dots on her back. Read our step-by-step guide and have fun playing this interactive activity with your child at home!