For this week's Family Friday you will make some beautiful ocean friends, the jellyfish! Read our step-by-step guide on how to create your very own jellyfish decorations. Have fun with this ocean-themed craft!

What you need:
- Paper bowls (One jellyfish per bowl)
- Paint and paintbrush
- A variety of string
- Scissors
- Tape
Step 1
Click here to read the book Jimmy the Jellyfish. You can find this book in your Footsteps2Brilliance app under Level 2 (Yellow) in the Alphabet Animals series.

Step 2
Paint the outside of the bowls any way you would like. You can paint the inside too, but it will be less visible.
Let dry.
Step 3
Cut and gather lengths of string, these will be the tentacles. Find the middle of the strings and tape them down to the inside of the bowl.

Step 4
Hang your new ocean friends from the ceiling. Make a few of them and you can start a jellyfish garden!
Enjoyed this ocean-themed craft? Find more Family Friday arts and crafts activities here.
Looking for this activity en español? Click here for the Spanish version of the Jimmy the Jellyfish book and blog post.
Share your Family Friday fun: tag us on social media @footsteps2brilliance / @myf2b if you and your family read and play this weekend!